Doctors in training step 2 cK review course free videos
Doctors in training step 2 cK review course free videos

It can affect boys as well, but the question stem in exams tend to report female cases, like a 2-year-old with menstrual bleeding. It’s caused by mutation in the gene GNAS1 and affects mostly the extremities. Irregular Bony trabeculae That will cause the deformities that make the disease famous.

doctors in training step 2 cK review course free videos

What that means is that the bone will grow tumor-like fibrous (scar) tissue instead of the normal medullary (bone marrow) bone tissue.

  • The most famous (mouthfull) words of the condition: Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia.
  • The three words of McCune-Albright disease: Another notabe case in a teenager from Haiti. Photo from posted on Wikimedia Commons in 2008.
  • Papillary muscle rupture –> severe Mitral regurgitation.
  • Localization of infarct: TIMELINE: MI Complications If the size of the infarct was small, Q wave goes back to normal.
  • End of 3m: only Q wave stays the same, ST segm and T wave return to normal.
  • 3°w: Q wave fully developed + T wave starts becoming flat.
  • (If ST segment stays elevated >6m, think of development ventricular aneurism)
  • 7°d: ST segment starts returning to base level + T wave inverted + Q wave starts appearing, it deepens.
  • 2-3°d: ST segment still elevated + T wave slowly becomes inverted.
  • 1°d: ST segment elevation + tall T wave.
  • Q wave = muscle death, appears after 1 week, and gradually deepens and remains permanent.
  • doctors in training step 2 cK review course free videos

    T wave becomes inverted after 2 days, and remains like that for 3w, and gradually becomes flat and then upright over 2-3m.Elevation of ST segment stays for 2-3d and gradually goes back to base level in 1-2w.With reciprocal changes in the leads facing the opposite wall:Ĭhanges do not appear at the same time.

    Doctors in training step 2 cK review course free videos